UX Portfolio

  • User & Task Analysis

    This research project provides insight to guide the business strategy and planning for a user-centered product in the growing marketplace of in-home care for elders.

    Macro Task Analysis Diagram
  • Designing Email Settings for Bird

    Bird CRM email users need a way to buy and manage dedicated IP addresses for their email marketing. This means the Email Channel settings in the app needs updates.

    Email Settings' new design
  • UX for Mobile Devices

    Designing an app for travelling history buffs. Taking a photo of nearby landmarks results in an overlay with historic information so people can enjoy their surroundings in real-time.

    Smartphone mockups for the RealSight app
  • Usability Testing: HubSpot Campaigns

    To use Campaign Analytics, users have to associate marketing assets with a Campaign. But they often don’t without being prompted. I did moderated testing to explore the usability of Campaigns in HubSpot.

  • Case Study: Human Factors and the UX (essay)

    In this essay, I applied what I learned in my Human Factors and the UX class about mental models, cognitive and perceptual processing systems, and how a user and their environment can affect the user’s experience. I chose to evaluate HubSpot’s marketing software. As I was an Onboarding Specialist at HubSpot at the time, I was able to call out elements that I often saw my customers struggle with, and analyzed them in the context of UX.